
Hi there, I’m Jenn! An educator of 10 years turned online tutor. In 2018, I found myself suddenly unemployed. I needed a way to generate income and the only skill I felt I was truly masterful at was teaching. (After all, my middle name is Lemaître which means master teacher in French)
My response was to begin tutoring to make ends meet and in less than 6 months, I began making an extra $1000+ a month part time. When I fine tuned my business structure and began promoting on social media, I grew my business to making consistent 4 figure months, having such a high demand that we had to turn away clients and replacing my teacher paycheck.
So why “The Tutor’s Tutor”™ ? Because a tutor is an advocate, an encourager, a guide and a friend. As tutors, we tend to be all of this and more to our tutees, but who’s there to support the tutor when things get hard? I am. You can relax. We’re in this together.
Once upon a time, I was just a girl playing “school” with my brother and sister. Now, helping educators serve more students while making money is my jam.
Who is “The Tutor’s Tutor”?

"My mission is simple -- I want to see tutors win BIG!"
- Jennifer Lemaitre
How do free tutor business tips on the go sound?
Check out my recent podcast features.
Starting a Tutoring Business with Brittany Rincon
Let's Talk Tutoring with Erin Myres
The Purpose of Education with Pavielle Bookman
Interested in having me as a guest on your podcast?